

Bringing you speech therapy ideas and activities 365 days a year!

My Experience with Invisalign

I just finished with Invisalign! I documented my experience on Instagram (in the highlights), but also wanted to recap the entire experience with a blog post. I got Invisalign through my dentist. Truthfully, my top teeth were pretty good – I…

Peek At My Week 6/2 [LAST PEEK]

We’ve reached my last Peek of the school year. I still have two more weeks of school, but the last week is filled with paperwork, delivering files, and class parties, so I’m usually not able to see all my kids.…

Peek At My Week 5/26

Here are my plans: Artic: I’m using Mirror-Tic (I have several in my store). Language K-2: I’m using my No Prep Speech and Language Scenes. Language 3-5: We’re reading a hi-lo reading passage. Autism: I’m using my Ouch interactive book…

Peek At My Week 5/19

Here are my plans: Artic: I’m using Blooming Flowers of Articulation. Language K-2: I’m using Blooming Flowers of Language and Language Therapy in a Box. Language 3-5: I’m using Blooming Flowers of Language and Spring Inferences with Tier 2 Vocabulary.…

My Favorite Places to Shop for Clothes

Trying out some different kinds of posts! This is more of a lifestyle blog post. I am someone who does not like to spend a lot of money on clothes, so I’m always looking for deals. I also am not…

Peek At My Week 5/12

Here are my plans for the week: Artic: We’re using the open ended page from Ten for May. Language K-5: We’re using Ten for May and Language Therapy in a Box. Autism: I’m using Grocery Games and my flower file…