

Bringing you speech therapy ideas and activities 365 days a year!

Review: Workday Dentist

I recently reviewed Merge Mobile’s Storybook Maker app, and was excited to have the opportunity to review another one of their apps! This time, I will be reviewing Workday Dentist.   Disclaimer: This app was provided to me to try;…

Review: StoryBook Maker

I am constantly on the lookout for any activities/apps/materials that focus on narrative skills, as this seems to be a very difficult skill for many of my students. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to review StoryBook Maker from…

Trader Joe’s in Therapy!

  I happened to receive the summer edition of Trader Joe’s flyer in the mail today. Trader Joe’s is a local grocery store. I was perusing it and suddenly realized I could definitely use this in therapy!     How?…