Speechy Feedback October 2014

Speachy Feedback is back! For this month, my winner is TpT username allymarie02! She left feedback on my Find and Fix Irregular Past Tense Verb Task Cards. It brings a smile to my face when I see feedback like…
Speachy Feedback is back! For this month, my winner is TpT username allymarie02! She left feedback on my Find and Fix Irregular Past Tense Verb Task Cards. It brings a smile to my face when I see feedback like…
Thanks to Nicole from Speech Peeps, Speachy Feedback returns! I apologize for the crickets you’ve been hearing around here lately. I’ve been trying to soak up the last few days of my summer vacation! I do LOVE rewarding great…
Disclaimer: Affiliate links are included for your convenience. This month, Jenna from Speech Room News, is featuring Behavior Management ideas. Fortunately, this year I haven’t really had too many behavior issues. My school uses a clip chart system within…
It always amazes me when another month goes by! The good news is when the 3rd Monday hits, it’s time for Speachy Feedback, where you could win a free product just for leaving constructive/detailed feedback on a TpT product.…
First S…peachy Feedback of 2014! Once again, I’m naming 2 winners. One for a free product and one for a paid product. Check out below to see if you’re a winner! Shara Kuehl left feedback for My PlayHome…
Laura has a new September SLP Link Up started here! Join the link up fun! This year, September meant a new school for me! School-ing: new students! I have a brand new (to me) caseload, so I’ll…
I’m sure everyone heard about the MASSIVE TpT Back To School Sale that happened a few days ago! First, I’d like to say THANK YOU TIMES A MILLION to everyone who purchased activities from my store. I’m super grateful and…
All Y’all Need posts a monthly SLP link up which is oh-so-much fun! If you’re a blogger and want to link up, check out her post here. If you’re not a blogger, it’s still fun to read about all…
Laura from Oh, How Pintearesting did a link up back in March. She decided to do another for May, and I’m happy to participate. See her blog post here for instructions on how to link up! For…