Your One Stop Shop for Speech Therapy

If you’re a new SLP or you’re looking for something that you can use with almost every student on your caseload, check out my Therapy in a Box resources. There are 5 total, each are sold separately and as a…
If you’re a new SLP or you’re looking for something that you can use with almost every student on your caseload, check out my Therapy in a Box resources. There are 5 total, each are sold separately and as a…
I haven’t done a blog post about a product I’ve made in a LONG time, but I’m so in love with these that I felt the need to do one. Have you ever wished you could have everything you needed…
I thought I’d try my hand at creating a mini-book just for SLPs! This is the result: There Was A Silly SLP Who Got Stuck To Some…Plurals There is a 16 page mini-book that follow Susie, the silly…
I decided to create a holiday language packet that would target a variety of language skills. The activities are a smorgasboard of skills that I target on a regular basis in my therapy room. I also wanted to use ornaments…