Changes to Peek at my Week

Popping in quickly to share some news! I head back to work in a couple days (it’s amazing how quickly the summer went). After much deliberation, I’ve decided to try something new for Peek at my Week for this year.…
Popping in quickly to share some news! I head back to work in a couple days (it’s amazing how quickly the summer went). After much deliberation, I’ve decided to try something new for Peek at my Week for this year.…
We’ve reached my last Peek of the school year. I still have two more weeks of school, but the last week is filled with paperwork, delivering files, and class parties, so I’m usually not able to see all my kids.…
Here are my plans: Artic: I’m using Mirror-Tic (I have several in my store). Language K-2: I’m using my No Prep Speech and Language Scenes. Language 3-5: We’re reading a hi-lo reading passage. Autism: I’m using my Ouch interactive book…
Here are my plans: Artic: I’m using Blooming Flowers of Articulation. Language K-2: I’m using Blooming Flowers of Language and Language Therapy in a Box. Language 3-5: I’m using Blooming Flowers of Language and Spring Inferences with Tier 2 Vocabulary.…
Here are my plans for the week: Artic: We’re using the open ended page from Ten for May. Language K-5: We’re using Ten for May and Language Therapy in a Box. Autism: I’m using Grocery Games and my flower file…
Only 4 more Peeks after this week. We are quickly approaching the end of the year. Here are my plans for this week: Disclaimer: Affiliate links are included for your convenience. If you make a purchase via one of these…
Here are my plans for this week: Disclaimer: Affiliate links are included for your convenience. If you make a purchase via one of these links, I receive a small percentage. Artic: I’m using Mirror-TIC (I have several sounds): Language K-2: We’re…
Spring break is over…but it was so nice to have a week off. Here are my plans for this week: Disclaimer: Affiliate links are included for your convenience. If you make a purchase via one of these links, I receive a…
I’ve finally almost made it to spring break! There won’t be a peek next week because I’ll hopefully not be thinking about work at all! Here are my plans for the week: Disclaimer: Affiliate links are included for your convenience.…