

Bringing you speech therapy ideas and activities 365 days a year!

Using Counting In Speech {Guest Post}

Hi there! It’s Nicole Allison from Allison Speech Peeps talking here. I’m so honored to be guest-writing for you today! Thanks Teach Speech 365! Today I’m writing about a quick tip I’ve found useful for articulation, especially in those hallway…

My Love/Hate Relationship With Social Media

Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. Periscope. What do these all have in common? They’re social media platforms. Social media is a HUGE part of our lives now. It’s everywhere and virtually impossible to escape. I truly love social media for a lot…

Peek At My Week 5/15

Disclaimer: Affiliate links are included for your convenience! We’re nearing the end of the school year here. A little more than a month to go. Here is what I have planned:

Low Stress Ways to Celebrate BSHM

May is Better Speech and Hearing Month! We get a whole month to celebrate our wonderful profession. But let’s face it. If you’re a school based SLP, May is also a crazy busy month. For me, we still have to…