

Bringing you speech therapy ideas and activities 365 days a year!

Peek At My Week 12/7

Disclaimer: Affiliate links are included for your convenience! 2 more weeks until winter break! This past week was a whirlwind, and I have the feeling that the rest of December will follow suit. Many of my kids were excited to…

Peek At My Week 11/30

Disclaimer: Affiliate links are included for your convenience. Autism: We’re reading my mini-book Snowman, Snowman What Will You Wear? and doing some of the accompanying activities. For these kids, I like to give them repeated exposure to vocabulary, so we…

Peek At My Week 11/23

This week is 3 days with Thanksgiving upon us. Planning was still a necessity – and by necessity, I mean I had to plan AROUND lots of special events happening. Switch groups here, add kids there – it’s a recipe…

I Didn’t Go Blog Hop!

Unfortunately, I was not able to attend ASHA this year. Which stinks because I adore Florida! In place of not attending, I’m participating in a blog hop with some other awesome SLP bloggers! We are sharing what we would topic…

Organization Attempt #5231

Disclaimer: Affiliate links are included for your convenience! I’ve moved jobs and moved rooms and just…moved several times since entering the real SLP world. Hey Bravo…instead of the Real Housewives, how about a show called the Real SLPs?!?! Just sayin’……