Speech/Language Activities for Earth Day

Earth Day is April 22! While that seems like awhile away, we have spring break in the middle of April, so I will probably start doing some Earth Day activities next week. Some of the things I plan to use…
Earth Day is April 22! While that seems like awhile away, we have spring break in the middle of April, so I will probably start doing some Earth Day activities next week. Some of the things I plan to use…
Yesterday, I tried something a little different with a couple students that I don’t normally see together. With March being a Code Red month, my “schedule” is all sorts of wonky (if you’re not sure what I mean by Code…
I can’t believe December is here already! You know what that means! Pull out the gloves, hats, scarves, and hot chocolate. Oh, and lots of fun winter speech activities. If you need some help with that, never fear! I…
We all know it’s a frequent occurrence – you open your mailbox and pull out catalogs and ads. Most speech bloggers I know do not (I repeat DO NOT) throw these things out. In fact, we hardly throw anything out…
Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. I am an Amazon affiliate. Recently, I asked my Facebook fans what their tips were for the dreaded lateral lisp. As always, people came up with a bunch of…
This year in my speech room, I want to have a quick language and/or articulation task that students complete at the beginning or end of the session. Why? This should allow me time to quickly check over homework, while simultaneously…
EEEKKK…carryover. I think it might be the most difficult aspect of articulation therapy. Why?! It requires students to take responsibility for their speech and self-monitor, which can be very difficult for some of our kids. I posted back in…
Who plays games in their therapy room? I’m sure you may cringe if you hear your students say “we play games in speech!” Those are the moments that I wish I could just slap this sticky note on the back…
I asked on my Facebook page what types of activities you wanted for the end of the school year. Many people responded with “no color ink and no laminating.” Among some other responses that made me laugh! 🙂 So…