November Mystery

It seemed that people enjoyed October’s Mystery product. So I’m doing it again for the month of November. This month’s mystery is for upper elementary grades (3-6). Here’s a little hint: I asked my FB followers what their most…
It seemed that people enjoyed October’s Mystery product. So I’m doing it again for the month of November. This month’s mystery is for upper elementary grades (3-6). Here’s a little hint: I asked my FB followers what their most…
It’s that time of year again – costumes, candy, and spooky fun! Here are some seasonal activities you can use to add some Halloween fun to your sessions: October Mystery: This is only available for the month of October! You…
Graphics: Hello my faithful readers! September is officially over, meaning that we now are full steam ahead for the rest of the year. I think it’s about time we had a little fun. What do you think? I’m sure…
When I started TpT in November 2012, I’ll admit I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into. Little did I know what a fabulous world of wonderfully made activities I would find from other SLP bloggers and…
Teachers Pay Teachers is all abuzz with back to school excitement! I recently decided to see what kind of free things I could find for the first week of school Check out what I found: 1. Assorted…
Who has heard of QR codes? I’m sure you have heard how teachers and SLPs (and lots of other things) use QR codes. If you haven’t check out how Jenna from Speech Room News used it for a secret agent…
My mirror activities have been a hit, so I’m in the process of creating more. Mirror-TIC: K, G has been posted and takes the same format as the other Mirror-TIC activities. Next up, Mirror-SYNANT! I experimented with a…
The Monday before Thanksgiving is already here? How many of you are off on Wednesday?! I’m sure lots of people are looking forward to some time off to spend with family and friends! To kick off this week,…
It’s been a busy Sunday here at Teach Speech 365. I have ONE MORE thing to share with everyone! Many of my kiddos are working on possessive pronouns, specifically “his” and “her.” Interestingly enough, if they are boys, everything is…