Peek At My Week 9/3
School started last week for kids, but I was busy doing kindergarten screenings and I don’t generally pull students until they’ve had at least a few days to settle in to their new classrooms and routines. Here are my plans…
School started last week for kids, but I was busy doing kindergarten screenings and I don’t generally pull students until they’ve had at least a few days to settle in to their new classrooms and routines. Here are my plans…
Transitions are hard. Change is hard. I love the summer (as most school based employees surely do) and hate to see it end. This summer, I got to be home with my 17 month old daughter. It was enjoyable, but…
Speech Suitcase time again! If you missed my earlier posts in this series, be sure to check them out: describing, main idea, synonyms/antonyms, and listening comprehension. This week, I’m focusing on WH questions. I think it’s a pretty common goal in speech…
It’s almost time for a new school year. I have a little over a week left before staff heads back to work. That means setting up my therapy room for my 8th year as an SLP (7th as a primarily…
This summer, I’m working very part time for a private practice. I’m working with an adorable preschooler who has some articulation goals. Currently, we’re working on 3 syllable words. I discovered a quick way to keep her engaged and still…
Whether you’re a teacher or an SLP, we all have this semi-magical time called summer. We wait and wait (while working very hard) to cross that finish line known as the end of the school year, at which time our…
Hello again! It’s Speech Suitcase time. If you’re unfamiliar with this series, check out my previous posts on describing, synonyms/antonyms, and listening comprehension. This time, my focus is on main idea. This is one of the most difficult skills for students…
I recently got the opportunity to review a voice activated app from Outloud Apps called Citymals. Disclaimer: I was provided a copy of the app; however, the opinions expressed are solely my own. When you open the app, this is…