

Bringing you speech therapy ideas and activities 365 days a year!

Peek At My Week 5/24

Hope you are enjoying your long weekend! I have family visiting, so I’m off having fun with them…but I did want to pop in to share what I have planned this week. Artic: Jenna Rayburn’s Spin and Speak Flowers. K-2nd:…

Reaching Those Difficult-To-Reach Kids

I’ve definitely had at least a handful of these kids in my professional career. The ones that seem to be difficult to reach. Difficult to engage, difficult to motivate, difficult to keep their attention. I’m not saying the kids are…

Peek At My Week 5/10

Disclaimer: Affiliate links are included for your convenience. Hello, second week of May! State testing is upon us, which is fabulous for my schedule! I plan on doing the best I can and seeing as many kids as I can…

Celebrate BHSM!

Hooray for Better Hearing and Speech Month! There are lots of fun ways to celebrate, so I decided to round up a few. 1. SLPs Can Puzzle (free): I posted this last year – you can pass it out to…

Weekend Recap [freebie]

This freebie was inspired by Erik X. Raj’s blog post about how to ask students about their weekend. He had some great tips about asking better questions to get more in depth responses instead of the usual “nothing” or “it was…