
Teach Speech 365 is a blog that focuses on all things speech therapy! I enjoy creating materials to share with fellow SLPs, parents, teachers, and other professionals. I share organizational tips, therapy ideas, freebies, and more!

Teaching Inferences

As SLPs, we work on inferences frequently. I’m going to detail how I go about teaching them. The first thing I start with is my Inferring Teaching Binder. Inferring requires students to use background knowledge, as well as whatever information…

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Resilience for SLPs

Resilience is defined as “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.” The concept of resilience is something that I’ve been thinking a lot about this year. What makes some more resilient than others? What other things impact it? I think…

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SLP Self Care

In the midst of a pandemic, rampant racism, and the regular stressors in life, self care has never been more important than right now. We are in the caring profession and often times we care more about other people than…

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