Diverse Books for Speech Therapy

Over the summer, I was inspired to take stock of the books on my shelves (both at work and at home) to ensure that I’m using books that included diversity. This includes different ethnicities, LQBTQIA people, and more. I want to make sure that my daughter sees many different types of people when we read, which is a favorite activity in our home. I realized that I unconsciously did have several books with different ethnicities, but I wanted to expand on that, so I set out to find some more.
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I decided to write up a list of the ones I ended up purchasing:
Papa, Daddy, and Riley: This is an adorable book about Riley’s first day of school. Her dads take her to school and she learns that there are a lot of different types of families.
Sunday Shopping: This is a book about a little girl who goes “shopping” with her grandma every Sunday night. They imagine buying a lot of different things and it’s got great illustrations!
Hair Love: This is an adorable story about a little girl whose dad helps her do her hair.
Jabari Jumps: This story is about Jabari and his journey to be brave and jump of the diving board at the pool.
Sam and the Lucky Monkey: Sam gets a gift of lucky money on the Chinese New Year and he goes to spend the money in Chinatown.
The Name Jar: This is a story about a little girl who is trying to decide what name to use in her new American school.
I Can Do Hard Things: This is a book of affirmations for kids and depicts people of all abilities and ethnicities.
We’re Different, We’re The Same: This is a Sesame Street book that talks about how we are different, but really how we’re all the same.
This is How We Do It: This book follows 7 different kids and shows how they eat breakfast, go to school, and do different activities in their countries.
Fry Bread: This is a lovely Native American family story with amazing illustrations.
These are just some of the books I’ve added to our library! I hope to continue adding many more!