FREE School CF Starter Kit

Last week, I posted a FREE CF Starter Kit in my TPT store. I wanted to provide something for CFs (or really anyone new to schools) with a bunch of files to get you started off on the right foot.…
Last week, I posted a FREE CF Starter Kit in my TPT store. I wanted to provide something for CFs (or really anyone new to schools) with a bunch of files to get you started off on the right foot.…
If you’re still on the hunt for some easy Valentine’s Day activities, don’t worry! I’m sharing some that are easy (and some are even free)! Valentine’s Day Articulation will give you 10 free articulation sheets. Use stamps, crayons, markers, erasers, or…
Wordless picture books are in a word, amazing. They can really be used with a variety of ages. There is a wealth of research that supports the use of wordless picture books for oral language development. This article discusses how children…
Mixed groups a beast that every school based SLP has to face. While we might start out the year with nicely separated articulation and language groups, by the end of the year those groups are a mishmash of both. It’s…
This summer, I decided to offer 5 freebies to you as a thank you for following my little blog for the past 5+ years. I can’t tell you how amazing it is to be able to connect with so many…
Hello friends! I’m popping in today to share a new freebie. Obviously I know a lot of you are on summer break, but you know that I can’t fully stop thinking about my students and their needs. I have one…
I’ve officially been on summer break for about a week and a half now. I always want it to hurry up and get here, and then I always have a little bit of a hard time making the transition from…
I know some of you are already out for the summer, but for those of us who aren’t it feels like we’re crawling towards the finish line. I wanted to share some easy, end of year activities that you can…
It’s almost Better Hearing and Speech Month! Last year during BHSM, I did a staff trivia game. Read more about that here. I gave away a prize everyday and my staff LOVED it! I’m doing it again this year with…