My Favorite Mixed Group Activities

Mixed groups a beast that every school based SLP has to face. While we might start out the year with nicely separated articulation and language groups, by the end of the year those groups are a  mishmash of both. It’s unavoidable, but I’ve learned better ways to address this issue and wanted to share them with you.

  1. Books: I try to incorporate books into a lot of my sessions and they are great ways to target articulation and language. I created my No Prep Book Companions with a section for articulation, so those students can listen for words with their sounds and write them down. You can work on so much language when answering questions or retelling the story. 
  2. My Ten For packets are free and all of them have an open-ended page that I like to use to write articulation words on (I do or the student will depending on their age). If you want to check them all out, click here
  3. STOP Sheets: A lot of my products are designed to make mixed groups easy and these are one of them. STOP stands for Students Tracking Own Progress and the sheets look the same, whether it’s for language or articulation. Click on the pictures below to be taken to each. 
  4. This is a more recent product, but it has both articulation and language targets in it and appeals to a wide range of students. Kids love shooting the basketballs!
  5. YouTube short videos: Click here for some wordless videos that are perfect to use for articulation and language. For your articulation students, you can ask them to tell you what is happening in the video while you monitor sounds. For your language students, you can work on grammar, retelling, WH questions, and using complete sentences.

While mixed groups can be difficult, there are ways to make them easier for you! I hope this gave you a few ideas! 🙂

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