High School Activities: Boom Cards
This year, I’m working with high school students via teletherapy. I haven’t worked with this age group since my CF…12 years ago…but it’s going well. It’s so different from working with elementary age students, but also it’s not really different.
Since I’m working via teletherapy, Boom Cards™ are still my best friend. I do use other materials, which I’ll detail in a post next month, but Boom Cards™ are really easy and engaging. They do use Chromebooks, but it’s still been working fine.
Here are my favorite Boom Card™ decks for this age group (if they’re free, I indicate that):
AAC: Answering Personal Questions (FREE)
Would You Rather? Ice Breaker for Middle and High School (FREE)
Stuttering Therapy Questionnaire for Adolescents (FREE)
Idioms with Context Clues (FREE)
Functional Vocabulary for Older Students: Laundry (FREE)
Understanding Idioms in Text Messages
Functional Vocabulary for Older Students: Grocery Store
Functional Vocabulary for Older Students: Bathroom
High School Context Clues: Inference
Would You Rather: Travel Edition (FREE)
Understanding Pragmatic Language
Social Skills Conversation Questions and Comments
Life Skills Functional Speech Bundle
Hope these help if you’re working with this age group too!