Organization Attempt #5231

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I’ve moved jobs and moved rooms and just…moved several times since entering the real SLP world. Hey Bravo…instead of the Real Housewives, how about a show called the Real SLPs?!?! Just sayin’…

 I have struggled to find an organizational system that works, hence the #5231. It hasn’t been that many, it just feels like it. I think I have found one… that is, it’s worked for me for the last couple months, so I thought I’d share. I’m not lucky enough to have a room all to myself, so I needed something easily accessible that wouldn’t take up a ton of space. I also needed something I could move around if necessary if I had a larger group.
 You will need: a milk crate, hanging folders, and very fancy post-its. You can use other things to mark the weeks, but post-its are working just fine for me.

1. Label the hanging folders Week 1-Week 4. When I plan for the month, I stick in books or other materials that I want to be easily accessible for that week.
2. Stick some small containers in the front. I have a couple empty ice cream containers in the bottom with other cards that I frequently use. I have another hanging folder with larger items in the back for other frequently used items.
3. In the back, I have a binder with Natalie Snyders’ Progress Montoring Tools and parts of Nicole Allison’s Data Collection packet.
4. In the back, I have a 2 gallon ziploc bag (total lifesaver) with the items that I use when I push into the Autism classrooms. This way, I can just grab the whole bag and my iPad and go.

I put the crate right on the chair beside me, so I can grab whatever I need. I’m really liking this system so far! How do you organize yourself?


  1. I love this! I totally agree, Bravo should create a show called real SLPs! I know that I would be on it! Lol I currently use a binder, with zip lock bags as well as index card holders to stay organized between buildings. It works for now but it could use some improvement! I will work on adapting your system and see how it works. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. I use a 12 pocket hanging file and I LOVE IT. I bought it off of Zulily. It has enough pockets for me to store items for each month in the file pockets, plus has a few left over (since we have summers off) 😉
    I also bought a clear stacked drawer/organizer with 6 drawers. I got it at a thrift store for $15! I can put the items I am working in that week in the file, plus at the bottom I have room for extra folders and cardstock. These have cleared a LOT of the clutter off of my desk and surrounding area.

    • I’ve used the 12 pocket hanging system in the past! I don’t currently have much wall space now, which is why I switched to something else. I like the drawer idea!

  3. I have a sliding drawer system that sits next to my table. It was something I inheirited when I took over this job. I put my artic items in one drawer, preschool in the next, k – 1 in the next, etc. I only plan by the week though. Need to look into planning by the month.

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