I Didn’t Go Blog Hop!

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Unfortunately, I was not able to attend ASHA this year. Which stinks because I adore Florida!

In place of not attending, I’m participating in a blog hop with some other awesome SLP bloggers! We are sharing what we would topic we would talk about if we were a presenter at ASHA. I would talk about the importance of flexibility. Grad school did a great job of preparing me for the technical side of the job, but there was not much in the way of real-life lessons for when I entered the actual job. I learned very quickly that you have to be F.L.E.X.I.B.L.E. pretty much all the time. There are schedule changes, personality differences, space problems, caseload issues, and a myriad of other things that can get in the way of you actually doing your job. There are times lately that I just keep repeating to myself, “I’m flexible, I’m flexible” even when I sort of just want to scream. It can be an exercise in extreme self-control sometimes! I keep a copy of my schedule nearby so that if there’s an event or a problem getting a kid at a certain time one day, I am already going through my schedule in my head to figure out a different time to slide them in. Many times, people in my building see that I’m doing my best to accommodate them (where I’m able) and will often go out of their way in return.

The moral of the story is this: it can make your life easier (sometimes) if you are flexible. Do your best where you can. Don’t sweat the small stuff. If you’re too rigid, you’ll just end of making yourself crazy!

Grab my letter below and all the other letters from the participating SLP bloggers and enter to win a great prize!

They include:

1st place–10 TPT downloads

2nd- a 5 download bundle

3rd place-a 3 download bundle
If you’re at ASHA, soak up some sunshine for me please!!
Teach Speech
First Blog
Last blog

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