School SLP Organization

I’ve made a lot of posts about organization because it’s a topic that’s near and dear to my heart! Check out my Ultimate Organization blog post and Back To School Organization Tips blog post.

Over my career, I’ve moved states and schools often, and I’ve always organized myself the same way. I finally got around to documenting all of my systems into one resource called School SLP Organizational Systems.

Included Organizational Systems:

-School CF Starter Kit – in separate file

-Forms – in separate file

-Seasonal and non-seasonal material organization 

-Evaluations in progress organization

-Working files

-Tips for creating a schedule

-Hanging material organization for frequently used materials

-Toy/game organization

-Tips for writing evaluations efficiently

-Tips for progress reports

-Data binder

-Monthly therapy planning tips and milk crate 

-To do lists (desktop sticky notes, post its)

-Digital organization – logs, evaluations, materials

-Planner tips

-Data collection tips

-Craft supply organization

-Material storage

-Medicaid billing tips

I hope this helps get you and keep you organized!

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