Song Lyrics in Speech Therapy
Graphics: Lovin Lit
I hope everyone had a good Christmas (if you celebrate it) or at least some time with your families!
Who doesn’t love music? I wanted to share another therapy idea that I plan to use in the new year. Song lyrics! Plus, you get a freebie out of it, so definitely keep reading!
First, I downloaded a free app called SongFreaks – this can be found here. You can search any song and it will bring up the lyrics. I searched Wheels on the Bus as a demo.
The great thing is that if there is a YouTube video, you can also watch it through the app (you’ll need an internet connection though). I thought this would be a different way to practice articulation and language skills. I made up some basic worksheets to use, that can be downloaded here.
Kids can find words with their sounds – and then take the worksheet home for more practice.
Kids who have language goals can look through the lyrics and find words/phrases they don’t know. This would be a great activity to use context clues to try to figure out the meanings of words. They can find words that have multiple meanings, synonyms, and antonyms using this worksheet. You can always create your own worksheet if these don’t fit your needs too!
I think this will be a fun activity to try in January! What do you think?
for some reason I cant get the downloads. I love this idea. could you email me them possibly?
Great idea!! I love it. Thanks.