Two Speechies Tangled Together: Teach Speech 365 and Major Speech Pathology Fun by a Minor GIrl

I am honored to be involved with Amy from Major Speech Pathology by a Minor Girl for this Tangled Tuesday event! This is another great way to connect SLPs and help each other make decisions about what to buy on TPT. There are freebies, so keep reading!
Amy from Major Speech Pathology Fun was kind enough to review my Unlock the Key Words activity. 

Amy’s Blog: 
Her email: [email protected]
See Peanut Butter Jelly Time with Figurative Language here!
*I currently work at a private practice and have a lot of younger kids, so I don’t work on figurative language as much. I have experience working in the schools though, where it was a common goal. My review will be based on how I would use this activity if the need arose.*

The goal of this activity is to make as as many PB&J sandwiches as possible. The student picks a card from a pile and uses the figurative language phrase in a sentence. If used correctly, the student gets to keep the card. Whoever has the most sandwiches at the end wins. There are 48 cards included, plus 8 bonus cards. 

Below is an example of what the figurative language phrase cards look like:
Below is a picture of the bonus sandwich cards:
Prior to doing this activity, I would probably take a couple sessions to pre-teach some of the phrases. Figurative language was such a difficult concept for some of my students to grasp when I worked in the schools. I definitely think they would’ve enjoyed this activity as a way to spice it up. For some of my students, I might provide answer choices or short scenarios to go along with the phrase. 
For example: for “eat like a pig,” I might say this: “Joshua gobbled up 2 hamburgers, a large order of fries, and a pie for dessert. He thought to himself, ‘I’m eating like a pig!.’ What does “eat like a pig” mean?” If the student needed choices, I might say: “Does it mean to ‘eat small amounts of food’ or ‘eat a whole bunch of food?'” When working in the schools, I often had mixed ability groups. I love that this game could easily be adapted for any level. I could provide scenarios/choices for those who needed them and not for those who were more advanced. 

I really like how there are varying levels of figurative language too! Some phrases are  more common and might be easier (i.e. big as a house, swim like a fish), while others require more critical thinking (i.e. clear as crystal). 

Another thing that I really like is the variety of figurative language phrases that are included. Further lessons could focus on sorting similes vs. metaphors, etc. I definitely think my students would enjoy this activity! This would be a go-to activity if I returned to the schools!

Major Speech Fun provided a freebie for fast food WH questions that you can grab HERE!
Both of our activities are on sale right now too!

Check out Major Speech Fun’s blog for more fun and engaging activities!


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