{App Review} Speech Tutor

Today I’m bringing you a review of Speech Tutor from Synapse Apps! It is available in the app store for $19.99 (price subject to change). If you are looking for a comprehensive articulation app, this should be high on your list!

Disclaimer: I was provided a copy of this app; however, the opinions expressed are solely my own.

I love that the app is available for both iPad and iPhone – it makes it a good practice app for SLPs and parents. This is the home screen of the app:

If you click on the “video” section, you’ll see the videos you can watch. I also love that there are some vowel videos, which might be helpful for students who have apraxia.

You can get a side view of the phoneme production (which is my favorite): 

Or a front view of it (see below). You can play the videos at slow, medium, or fast speeds. You can also record yourself or the student. 

I REALLY love the side view, specifically for /r/ because you can show your students where their tongue has to move.

If you click on begin, you can add students and select the sounds you want to work on. There are cards that appear (see below for an example) and you can track if the student’s production was correct, approximate, or incorrect. Again, you can record the student producing the word, which is helpful to self-assess if the production was correct or not.

If you select minimal pairs, two cards show up on the screen. The picture below is an example of the Final Consonant Deletion deck. It’s nice to see the minimal pairs laid out together, so you can prompt the student to add the final consonant. 

There is also a screening section and there is one for parents and one for SLPs. 

What I Liked:

-It’s really a comprehensive app since there is a screening section, practice section, and the videos

-I adore the videos!! I don’t have another app like this and giving my students the visual has really been helpful

-You can target both individual sounds as well as phonological processes, again all in one app

What I Would Love To See:

-I really wouldn’t change anything at this point

Overall, this is an invaluable tool to have in your SLP toolbox. The videos alone are totally worth it to me!!

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