Back To School Wishlist for School SLPs

Let’s face it, I’m sure there are some things you wish you could change about your school SLP job. Here are 10 things you wish would happen when you return to your school SLP job in the fall!

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Disclaimer: This list is purely for fun!

1. You will be notified that you have your very own speech room, complete with windows, color printer, sink, and laminator – and it’s not a closet! Hallelujah!

2. Your principal gives you carte blanche to order whatever therapy materials you want.

3. Your colleagues remember to always call you the speech language pathologist and you never hear the term “speech teacher” again.

4. Your caseload is drastically reduced and you have time to schedule in bathroom breaks (gasp!) and a lunch every day!

5. You have access to any technology you want – bring on the iPads, Smart Boards, etc!

6. Your supervisor notifies you that you get CEUs free for the whole year.

7. Your supervisor calls back to tell you that you will get to go to ASHA and ASHA schools this year at his/her expense.

8. You will have monthly SLP meetings that involve getting together, making therapy activities, sharing positive stories, and food.

9. Everyone will ask questions to understand what it is that SLPs actually do!

10. You get an assistant to help you with paperwork!

What would you add to your wishlist?

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