Chain Letter Link-Up!

This is a rather long post…but worth it because there are FREEBIES! 
Keep reading…
I’m new to the blogging world, so I thought it would be fun to do a “chain letter link-up” in an effort to connect all these great SLP/education blogs. 
This is how the chain letter will work: I interviewed 4 bloggers, who will in turn interview 2 more. Each of those will interview 2, etc. Each will also do a blog post with the interview questions and adding the “Chain Letter Link-Up” label. Hopefully, readers will enjoy following the chain and you might be introduced to some new blogs! Thanks to everyone who agreed to participate!

*DISCLAIMER: Voice is not my area of expertise, just thought I’d try! 

Blogger #1: Lindsey Karol 
1. Your name, email, blog address, link to TpT store if you have one

2. When and why did you start blogging?

Hmmm, let’s see… yesterday!  I love my job and love creating new activities and working with other amazing professionals.  I’ve learned so much from blogs and have been enjoying using all of the materials that I’ve purchased/found on tpt, so I wanted to add my ideas to the mix!

3. What is your favorite population to work with?

My favorite population is K5-2nd grade language.  That seems to be the “lightbulb age” where all of a sudden they totally get what you’re trying to teach them and things start to come together.  For my artic kids, I love the moment when they can actually say their name correctly or a brother’s/sister’s name correctly for the first time. That’s such an awesome moment!

4. How much time per week do you spend blogging and/or creating materials?

I probably spend 8 hours or so making materials, but that will probably increase as I start to blog more.  🙂

5. What’s your favorite topic to create materials for?

I don’t know if I have a favorite topic but I like to make themed materials, so anything around holiday themes is my favorite!

6. What’s the best thing about blogging?

I don’t have much experience in this area yet, but I love sharing ideas that other people can use in their speech rooms as well.  It’s pretty awesome to have these avenues to share all of our great ideas with each other!

7. Do you have any blogging tips?

Hmmm, I don’t know if I have any blogging tips yet, but I always like when people share pictures of activities being used in their rooms! 🙂

8. Add a question and answer of your choice (can be speech related or not).
What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not working/creating?

I love to spend time with my husband, Tim and 9 month old golden retriever puppy, Rollie – watch movies, take walks, etc  🙂

Freebie: Go-Together Mittens
Blogger #2: Carrie Manchester
1. Your name, email, blog address, link to TpT store if you have one
Carrie Manchester

blog:  Carrie’s Speech Corner (
2. When and why did you start blogging?
I started blogging in June of this year.  I had discovered the world of SLP blogs around the same time that I discovered Pinterest (December of 2011).  I loved the idea of sharing materials, insights, ideas, frustrations, triumphs, etc. and I wanted to join that online community!  
3. What is your favorite population to work with?
I love preschool!!!  I spent the first 5 years of my career in early intervention, so preschool seemed to be the next logical step for me.  I spend most of my time with my “little ones” and enjoy every day of it!  If you’re looking for more specific, preschool language is my favorite area to treat.  
4. How much time per week do you spend blogging and/or creating materials?
That really varies.  A good estimate would probably be 5-7 hours/week.  I usually write my blog posts on the weekends (when my son is napping) and publish throughout the week.  I work on creating materials at night after he goes to bed.  So, how much time I spend is often dependent on (a) how much time he sleeps, and (b) whether we have other activities going on in a weekend (birthday parties, baby showers, etc.) and (c) my own needs for my caselaod.
5. What’s your favorite topic to create materials for?
I don’t know that I have a favorite topic to create materials for.  I tend to plan my therapy around themes and I get excited when I come up with something interesting that fits my theme!  I also get inspired by cute clip art! 
6. What’s the best thing about blogging? 
Hands-down the best thing is getting comments on your blog posts and/or Facebook page!  I love hearing from the people who read my posts.  Sometimes it still surprises me that people actually do read my blog  ~ so that makes seeing the page-view counter going up the 2nd best thing. 🙂
7. Do you have any blogging tips?
Really research licensing/terms of use for clip art before you post materials. I had to quickly take down and revamp one of my first activities because I had no idea that I wasn’t supposed to post activities created with certain software and/or images.  Also research your state’s/employer’s ethics policies!  Most states and/or employers have policies about using work resources for your own personal gain.   
8. Add a question and answer of your choice (can be speech related or not)!

Do you prefer Twitter or Facebook?  (I’m a Facebook girl)

FREEBIE!  Snowman Categories: download here.  
Blogger #3: Carissa Ten Hoeve 
1. Name, Email, and TpT store if you have one 
Carissa Ten Hoeve

2. When and why did you start blogging? 
I just started blogging this month!  I decided to start because my clinical supervisors kept commenting to me that I have creative ideas for therapy materials!  I thought I would join the blogging world and start sharing my ideas! 

3. What is your favorite population to work with? 
My favorite population to work with so far is preschool!  But really, anything pediatric is great!

4. How much time per week do you spend blogging/creating materials? 
I spend a lot of time blogging and creating materials so far.  Probably 10 hours this week.  When school starts to pick back up, though,  that will probably decrease a little bit.  I’m determined to put out materials on a regular basis though! 

5. What’s your favorite topic to create materials for? 
I’m not sure I have a favorite area to make materials for.  My clients have mostly needed articulation and receptive language materials, but I love going outside of those areas for other materials. I do love creating materials that are theme-based or story-based, though! 

6. What’s the best thing about blogging? 
The best thing about blogging is the community.  There is so much love and support for one another in the speechie world!  I just love it. It’s also a really great way to get materials out there and share ideas. People are so creative!

7. Do you have any blogging tips?
I would say don’t be afraid to take risks and just dive right in!  Share your blog posts on other social media sites too–Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.  That generates a lot of traffic.  Stay connected with your audience–ask what types of materials they most want to see, do giveaways, and let others preview your work before posting it! 

8. Add a question and answer of your choice (can be speech related or not)! 
What areas do you work most with on a weekly basis?
I’m still in graduate school, but I with language disorders, apraxia, aphasia, fluency, social communication disorders, and cleft palate.  I am about to start a practicum in our International Adoption Clinic. 
Freebie: Decorate The Tree Following Directions
Blogger #4: Kristine Lamb
1. Your name, email, blog address, link to TpT store if you have one
Kristine Lamb (Live Love Speech)
2. When and why did you start blogging?
I started blogging towards the end of October/beginning of November.  I started blogging because of my extreme passion for the SLP field.  I wanted to be a SLP since I was in elementary school.  My mother worked in a classroom for children with autism.  I used to have the privilege of going with her to work for “take your daughter to work day”.  I remember meeting the SLP working with my mothers’ students multiple times and was amazed by the work she was doing.  From that point, I knew I wanted to be able to help children with their communication needs.  As far as blogging, I was amazed by the amount of teachers and SLPs sharing and creating ideas for fellow educators.  Students are so receptive to new ideas/activities used during speech sessions.  I knew I wanted to be part of the amazing blogging community and believed in my heart I could contribute!
3. What is your favorite population to work with?
My favorite “age group” to work with is preschool and elementary school children (K-5th grade).  I did a majority of my research papers and work on children with autism while in graduate school.  That is a huge passion of mine.
4. How much time per week do you spend blogging and/or creating materials?
On average I would say I spend approximately 8-10 hours combined blogging, creating giveaways, and creating materials for my TPT store.  I also spend some of that time researching what the current needs of SLPs are.
5. What’s your favorite topic to create materials for?
My favorite topic(s) are articulation and language/auditory processing.  Currently, a majority of my students have goals directed towards those areas which motivates me to create new and innovative activities for them! I am open to creating activities for a variety of students and their goals.
6. What’s the best thing about blogging? 
The feedback is amazing!!!  I couldn’t be happier to hear the amazing things people say about my activities and/or blog posts.  I also love the suggestions/comments about what the current needs of SLPS/teachers are.  I am so overwhelmed and humbled by everyone who has supported me!
7. Do you have any blogging tips?
The best blogging tip I have is PATIENCE!  It is not easy to get started and can take up a lot of time.  It has to be something you are extremely passionate about.
8. Add a question and answer of your choice (can be speech related or not). 
Question:  How do you vary your activities/goals to accommodate your students?  Also, how long do you like to spend on one specific goal for a student (especially if he/she has multiple goals?)

Freebie: Snowy Synonyms

Thanks to all bloggers who participated! Each will now be responsible for interviewing 2 bloggers and doing a blog post with the “Chain Letter Link-Up” Label. Let’s see where the chain leads….


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