Easy Low Prep Articulation Idea
You know how CPAs have “busy season” around tax time? Well, spring is prime “busy season” for a lot of SLPs, myself included. Initial referrals start raining down from the sky, lots of IEPs are always due around the same time, you’re testing what seems like everyone and their brother, and oh yeah – you still have to see your whole caseload for therapy too!
This is the time of year my plans look a lot like this: no prep, low prep, no print, etc. If you’re familiar with my Peek At My Week posts, you’ll realize this. Luckily, I’ve made myself some no prep packets that can also help you! I get a lot of use out of my Ten For packets, which are free (there are packets for September thru June). I also frequently use packets made by other awesome SLP sellers on TPT. My favorites are the following:
So back to the point of this post. This week, I did an easy articulation activity with one of my students that I wanted to share. The awesome thing is that this doubles as homework and you don’t have to do any extra work!

I made a copy of a page of words from HELP for Articulation. You can use any resource like this though, so the Jumbo Webber Articulation book would work as well.
Here’s what we did:
1. I stapled some sheets of plain white paper together to make a book.
2. The student cut out the pictures.
3. The student thought up funny sentences using 2-3 pictures and I wrote them down. She glued the pictures where they fit in the sentence.
4. We kept going until we had used all the pictures.
5. We practiced all the sentences a few more times.
6. I drew 5 circles on each page and told her every time she practiced the sentence to mark off a circle.
She participated in making her own homework AND we got tons of articulation practice. Win win!a