How Many Copies?

I’ve made and/or use a lot of no prep (<— click link to see what I have available thus far) materials lately. Mainly because it makes my life easier. Students have been in school about a week, and this year I’m learning how to balance work and home life more than ever. In the spring, I had a baby girl so I’m figuring out how to be a mom and an SLP. Right now, I don’t have time at night or on the weekends to prep many materials because I want to spend time snuggling.

One of the main issues I have is remembering how many copies of a certain skill I need to cover my caseload. So I decided to just streamline things and tally them up to have on hand.

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Now I can glance quickly and know how many copies of each activity I need. When I add kids to my caseload, I can just increase the number. I do work on other skills, but these are the main areas I find myself working on most frequently.

How do you keep track of all your different goal areas?


  1. I know what you mean about making copies, and needing to know how many to make while not being wasteful of limited resources. I pretty much do what you do with the list. Also, if I don’t have enough, or if the copier is broken (happens all too often), I have some ‘wipe off’ sleeve things I can put the master copy in and write on/wipe off with dry erase markers. Also, page protectors will do this same thing if you don’t have the fancy sleeves.

  2. I seriously just did this today! I pull materials for the week and divide into bins for each group. This next week I am using Super Power Speech’s Photo of the Week activity and it comes with 3 levels of language questions, artic and social tasks too. I took my schedule and wrote next to each student what level they would mainly focus on, then tallied. Then I took my copies and with the schedule I knew which bin to put which copies in instead of having to remember which ones I had decided on from a sticky note of tallies– which I had been doing before and still coming up short! So much faster and ready to go for this activity, or similar activities, again. 🙂

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