Mini Raccoon Rumpus Speech Therapy Ideas

I don’t know if you have Chic-Fil-A near you, but if you do, I’m not sure if you know about the gold mine of speech therapy materials you can find there! We recently went to get a quick dinner on our way back from somewhere and I got a kid’s meal for my daughter (which she didn’t really even eat, but the toy she got with her dinner was totally worth it)!

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She got this mini Raccoon Rumpus game, which is a smaller version of this game:

I promptly stole it once I opened it and realized it would be great for therapy (because what great SLP mom doesn’t do the same thing?). So let’s get to it. As seen in the picture below, the case is separated and given to each player. There are two dice that can be rolled.

The costume cards can be placed onto the raccoons, as seen below:

The directions are as follows: each student rolls both dice and picks up a card that matches what is rolled. I can think of some many other uses, so I thought I’d share them with you!


Describing: Lay out all the costume cards and have your students describe the outfits.

Pronouns: You could designate one raccoon as a female and one as a male to work on pronouns. She is wearing a yellow shirt, he is wearing green pants, etc.

Matching: For your younger students, you can work on color matching without the dice. “Find an outfit with a red shirt.”

Articulation: Have your students describe the outfits using their best sounds.

Expanding Length of Utterance: Use the cards and a sentence strip to help your students expand their length of utterance i.e. “The raccoon is wearing __________.”

I’m not going to lie, I want to keep going back to Chic-Fil-A just to keep getting kids’ meals!

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