My Favorite Activities for Students with Autism

Since my CF, I have had at least a handful of students with autism on my caseload. They have varied greatly in ability, much like the rest of my caseload. Today, I’m sharing the activities that are my favorite to use when working with this population.

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  1. WH Questions with Visual Choices: I pretty much use this EVERYDAY. It’s perfect because it gives students visual support, but you can also just use the question prompts and not show the visuals.

2. Interactive/Reverse Interactive Books: I have several of these in my store. I make them so they target a variety of skills, including WH questions, prepositions, sentence formulation, etc. Plus they come with additional follow-up activities. Here are some examples:

3. Popsicle Stick Language: This has been great for overall expressive language skills in a controlled play based setting. I can manipulate the scenes as needed to work on the skills that each student needs.

4. Structured Sentence Building from Queen’s Speech: These scenes are no prep and great for building sentences!

5. Thematic Pronoun Sorting Mats from Simply Speech: These are no prep too and helpful for working on pronouns.

As far as commercially available products, here are my go-tos:

  1. Grammar Gumballs: This is great for a variety of grammar/language skills and the kids love the gum balls.

2. Pop Up Pirate: This is great, quick game to work on turn taking or to use as a reinforcer.

3. Verb Photo Cards: These real photos are great for working on pronouns and verbs.


Of course, this is not everything I use, but they are ones that I frequently use. What are your favorites?

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