One Lovely Blog Award Nominations


I was honored that Heidi over at Smartmouth nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award! Read her post here. I love that her focus is social language – she has some really great ideas about how to tackle the intricacies of this broad topic. Check out her post about April Fool’s and an ice cream social packet that she has available in her TpT store!

The rules for accepting the award are:

1. Thank and link back to the person who nominated you. 

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Nominate 15 other bloggers and comment on their blogs (usually on their about page or contact directly if necessary) to let them know.


Here are 7 things about me:

1. I love tropical places. I don’t get to go nearly as often as I’d like to, but when I’m there, it’s blissful.

2. I’ve lived in 3 different states since graduating with my masters.

3. I declare Sundays as my “don’t leave the house unless absolutely necessary” days. I catch up on work, blogging, TV shows, and cook dinner.

4. My favorite candy is anything gummy.

5. I like to run – not necessarily while I’m doing it, but I like the feeling that exercise gives you.

6. Summer is my favorite season – give me shorts and flip flops any day over winter coats and gloves.

7. I can spend a ridiculous amount of time in Target. Even if I don’t go in there for a specific reason.


Now onto my nominations, in no particular order:

1. Speech Language Pirates: This blog is chock full of great ideas for a variety of ages. I especially like Denise’s easy crafts that she shares, like her shamrock sensory craft.

2. Nicole’s Speech Peeps: Nicole is a what I call a Common Core queen. She has amazing, well thought out products and posts that align to common core. Plus, she shares fun aspects of her life like her adorable daughter!

3. Speech Time Fun: Miss Speechie blogs almost every day. I have no idea where she finds the time or energy. She is always coming up with fun ways to tackle different skills, like her latest Descriptive Sentences Printable Book.

4. Speechy Musings: I love Shannon and her creative ideas! Of particular note for me are her Articulation Menus and her Interactive Book Attachments.

5. Speech Room News: Jenna was one of the first bloggers I followed and she always has interesting ways to tackle all things speech. Lately, she has been pumping out Interactive Vocabulary Books for her preschool crowd.

6. The Peachie Speechie: Meredith just did a blog post with silly ways to target BHSM that had me laughing out loud. Plus, she creates SLP apparel that is adorable!

7. Activity Tailor: Kim works for herself, which is something that I’d love to do one day. And she has a blog and comes up with awesome therapy ideas, like her Zigzags for Articulation and Language.

8. Speechie Freebies: Where else can you go and get tons of great speech related freebies from tons of bloggers?? It’s a gold mine for everything!! Everyone has a slightly different style, which makes the whole blog unique!

9. Crazy Speech World: I want to be visit Jenn – because she’s awesome and she lives in Florida!!! Her posts are full of humor and great ideas, like Smack, but she also shares details about her life in general.

10: The Speech Bubble SLP: Maureen is full of speech therapy tips and genius ideas, like her recent pronoun clips, but also posts about life in general, like her “what to do when you’re restless about work” post.

11: Your SLP Momma Says: Dean Trout is like the SLP momma you want in the next office so she can give your advice on how to take criticism or get an adorable SLP tote.

12: Erik X. Raj: Erik is hilarious. Please read any of his posts (like the one about record players) and I dare you to not laugh. He makes me want to be a student in his therapy sessions! He also creates some really cool apps!

13: Super Power Speech: CC has been blogging forever. She is a speech/language superhero, as well as a super mom and wife. She shares ideas like social story collages and information about her family life.

14: The Dabbling Speechie: Felice’s posts range from ideas for using everyday things like red cups in therapy to posts about her fabulous flip books.

15: Speech2U: Kelly is a hilarious and creative blogger who shares ideas (like the phlat ball and Aleene’s Tack It)

There you have it. I have MANY more favorites, but could only nominate 15.


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