Paperwork Completion Tips

One of the things that graduate school really does not prepare you for is the amount of paperwork that we have to complete as school based SLPs (I’ve only worked in private practice and schools professionally, so I can’t speak for the medical side of the job).

Here are my best tips to getting paperwork completed efficiently and on time:

  1. Make to-do lists: I continually have some kind of running to-do list at all times. I write down IEPs I need to write, testing I need to complete, reports I need to write, and anything else that needs to get done.
  2. Use post it notes: I usually have post it notes everywhere! I put them on files of students I need to test with their chronological age, DOB, and the day/time I’m planning to test them.
  3. Use every spare minute in the day to get paperwork done: I have to do Medicaid billing and I always quickly log for my AM kids on my lunch break and then my PM kids when I’m done with therapy for the day. This way, I never get behind.
  4. Come in early or choose a day to stay late: I’d rather come in a bit early to get things done if I need to. Some people prefer to stay late. Choose whatever works for you.
  5. Use copy and paste: Don’t re-invent the wheel. Use report templates, email templates (click here for some readymade free ones), and anything else that can make your life easier!

Hope these tips help you stay on top of your paperwork game!

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