Parent Communication Tips

Parent communication can be difficult. I get it, we have caseloads that are too high, paperwork coming out of ears, and Medicaid billing that needs to be done. For me, it’s complicated further by the fact that I’m at a school that has a high percentage of ESOL students, so calling or emailing without an interpreter is impossible.

It’s so important though! We should find ways to make communication with parents a priority. Here are my best tips:

  1. Start at that initial IEP meeting: I always give parents my email address. Mainly because for me, that’s much easier than trying to catch me on the phone. I tell them they can contact me any time they have questions!
  2. Use an interpreter: My school has a parent liaison who can call parents in Spanish. I email her if I need her to call a parent. While I can’t always sit with her while she makes the phone call, it’s another avenue to get in touch with parents.
  3. Send a “just because” email: If you had a good session with a student or he made a breakthrough, I will often email parents to let them know. It opens the lines of communication. A lot of times, I will also email them right before an annual IEP to see if they have any specific concerns.
  4. Have parents initial homework: I don’t routinely send speech homework for the majority of my students anymore, but in previous schools I would and the parents would have to initial it. This way, I knew that it was being seen and they knew what we were working on in speech.
  5. Ask if they have questions: During any meeting, make sure to ask often if parents  have any questions! It’s overwhelming to sit in some of these meetings and some parents may be reluctant to ask questions. I try to run my meetings efficiently time-wise, but I always take care to check in with them several times throughout.
  6. Set boundaries: While I check my work email at home, I may not always reply until the next morning when I’m actually at work. I think it’s important to set boundaries for yourself and the parents on when you respond. I make sure to respond respectfully and in a timely manner, but I don’t want it to affect the time I spend with my family either.

I’d love to hear how you communicate with your parents!! Leave me a comment!

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