Speech Material Organization in My Home Office

This past school year, I ended up being fully virtual and doing teletherapy. Since I didn’t need my physical materials, I had them all boxed up in my basement office space. I also had 4 jobs, as I had to piece together contracts. I recently took a new, in person job with a different private practice. I needed to unbox my materials and organize them so that I’d have easier access to grab what I needed and go. Time to organize!

Disclaimer: Affiliate links are included for your convenience. If you make a purchase via one of these links, I receive a small percentage. 

I got the black shelf from Amazon – it has 16 cubes. It’s not sturdy enough to have a ton of heavy materials on it, but most of what I have are light toys/games, so it’s not a problem. The 5 drawer carts on the right are from Michaels (click here for these). The speech bag on top of the shelf is from Help Me Grow Speech.

The Turn and Talk Verbs by Phonemes on the shelf can be found here – I did author this, so I do receive a small percentage if you buy this!

For all my games and toys, I have them in zippered mesh pouches (either the regular size or the extra large size) because I found they take up less space this way and are easier to throw in my bag this way.

It’s a little strange having all my materials at home since for years, I had them at my school. My daughter is loving it though!! Happy organizing!

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