Speech Suitcase: Context Clues
If you missed my earlier posts in this series, be sure to check them out: describing, main idea, synonyms/antonyms, WH Questions, listening comprehension, and story retell. Today, we’re talking about context clues. This can be a hard skill to teach for many of our students.
Here’s what’s in my suitcase:
- I recently wrote a blog post with the videos that I like to use to introduce context clues. My students respond well to videos and they are motivating.
- I love using Nicole Allison’s Context Clues packet. There are 2 levels and I always use this when I’m working on context clues!
- I have a section in my Flip & Clip: Independent Work that I really like using. Plus, my students really like using the clothespins.
Nonseasonal Language Flip Book: I have a section in all of my flip books for context clues.
- I like this packet from Kristen’s Kaboodle too:
6. My most recent resource is one to actually TEACH context clues: my Context Clues Teaching Binder. It breaks down the skill and allows your students to practice each type of context clue. There are several opportunities to practice determining the meaning of grade level Tier 2 vocabulary as well!
There you have 6 resources to work on context clues. Again, this is a very difficult skill to teach and for students to learn, so I like to use a variety of resources. What do you use to work on context clues?