Speech Suitcase: Following Directions
If you missed my earlier posts in this series, be sure to check them out: describing, main idea, synonyms/antonyms, WH Questions, listening comprehension, and story retell.
Let’s get to it! Here are my favorite things to use for following directions:
Button Bonanza: Get your kids following 1, 2, and 3 step directions with a fun button theme! You can even use real buttons!
My PlayHome App Companions: What’s better than technology and sneaking in those speech/language skills? All of my app companions have following directions pages. My students love these apps! There is the original app, a school app, a stores app, and a hospital app and I have companions for them all, plus a bundle.
Spruce Up the Shirt: This activity focuses on 2 step directions in a fun, interactive manner.
Splingo app: I’ve used this app for years, and the kids love it! There’s this little alien who you need to help build a spaceship. It’s motivating for sure.
These are probably my most used resources in my therapy room. Got any to add? Comment below with your favorites!