Teletherapy Pros & Cons

This year, I’m doing mostly teletherapy (with a side of in-home therapy)! Surprisingly, I found that I really loved it during the pandemic despite being terrified at first. I wanted to compile a list of the pros and cons that I’ve found with doing teletherapy.
-no commute time (this one is huge since I’m doing some after school hours and no commute means I can join my family immediately when I’m done)
-less materials needed (I found that I’m using more PDFs, online games, YouTube read alouds)
-can forgo masks (depending on the location of the client) – this is helpful for articulation therapy
-can be in the comfort of my own home
-can still use many of the same therapy strategies and activities
-neck/back pain from sitting too long (I’m trying to make sure I stand up and walk around when I can and I got an adjustable desk so that I can be standing if I want to)
-sometimes can be difficult getting placement for articulation therapy (I noticed this more so with K/G)
-scheduling can be tricky if you’re dealing with a brick and mortar school
-sometimes can be difficult to engage students when not in person
What would you add to this list?