Combat the Overwhelm

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – or is it? I personally love this time of year, but it doesn’t come without the feeling of being overwhelmed. You have to shop for presents, you might be traveling or hosting family at your house, and that doesn’t even count the stress from your job! At work, this time of year is generally pretty busy because there is a lot that needs to get done before you can be off to enjoy winter break (if you’re a school-based SLP that is).

So how can you combat it? Here are my best tips for both your personal life and your work life:

  1. Make a list, or several lists: I have a list of who I need to send holiday cards to, what gifts I’m buys for people, things to get done around the house, and things related to work. My lists are in all forms –on my phone, on paper, and on sticky notes on my desktop. I like to be able to cross things off or delete them.
  2. Prioritize events: If you have a million events to attend, you won’t enjoy any of them. Say no to things that aren’t really important to you. It’s not the end of the world if you don’t attend every single party.
  3. Give yourself a break: It’s ok to not get everything done all the time. Sometimes you need to just take a minute or an hour and sip hot chocolate on the couch. Everything will still be there when you return.
  4. Front load work tasks where you can: I plan for therapy 1-2 months ahead, so that I’m not stressed by trying to do it all at the last minute. Follow my Peek At My Week blog posts to get ideas each week! I’m trying to make your life easier!
  5. Decrease therapy prep: I’ve been making and using no prep activities a lot more at this time of year because it’s just too crazy. Or I will pull out something that I prepped a couple years ago to use so I’m not spending time laminating and cutting something new. Your students’goals will still get hit and you won’t go nuts.

How do you combat the overwhelm at this time of year?


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